-Would you like---apple juice?
-Yes,please.Id love---
-Have you got---apples?
-No,sorry.I havent got---apples.But I have got---oranges.
-Im afraid, I dont want---orenges.I would like Apples.
-Mag, is there---bread at home?
-No,there is ---bread at home.
-I hope youll go and buy some.

Вставь пропущенные слова some any no

-Would you like some apple juice?
-Yes, please. Id love some.
-Have you got any apples?
No, sorry. I havent got any apples. But I have got some oranges.
-Im afraid, I dont want any oranges. I would like apples.
Mag, is there any bread at home?
- No there is no bread at home.
-I hope youll go and buy some

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